“Goddess Stone”

Selenite is also known as the Goddess Stone and is a stone of purification. It brings protection, harmony and soul healing to your body mind and spirit. It is one of the softer stones and reminds us to bring gentleness into our lives and environment.…

What is a Chakra

As well as a physical body we also have a subtle body that consists of channels of energy ( also knows as meridians or nadis). When the flow of energy through these channels slows down or gets blocked, we become ill. When the energy flows…

Chakra grid

Chakra gemstones with symbols used in a balancing and energising grid to uplift the energies at Rockchic. With Amethyst, Chalcopyrite, Kyanite and Green Apatite. Rockchic sells the chakra pack consisting of 7 stones at R245.00

Crystal Protection

Black Tourmaline have the ability to absorb electromagnetic pollution (radiation from cellphones, laptops, microwaves, tv). They put out pure, clean energy. Wearing Black Tourmaline, Shungite, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz and Jet around your neck…

The Power of Crystals

The power and beauty of crystals and other stones have long been recognised from the ancient civilisations to present day. Crystals have always exerted a powerful force both in the physical and metaphysical worlds. Their uniqueness imbues…